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Enjoy A Sweet Holiday With Your Spouse At Saint Helena In Africa

By Okechukwu Okugo

Are you ready to travel? Looking for a last minute place to go for a new year holiday rest? A place where you can run far, far away from the hustles and bustles, the pollution and noise of mega cities in America, Europe, Australia. Asia, South America etc?
Do you want to give your spouse or your family a treat they would never forget all the days of their life?

Then think Africa. Think Saint Helena, a tropical island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Crossing the Atlantic, half way to Brazil, at the border between Namibia and Angola, there you will find this Island.

It has a small population of very beautiful and friendly people, about 4,250.

This African "country" is a unique place; being one of the few territories of this world where there has never been a single recorded HIV case; thus an AIDS free place.

It is used by the British as a place of exile.
The capital is Jamestown and their currency is the Saint Helenian pound. The official language spoken by the people is English.

Why should you choose travelling to the island above every other place, this holiday?

Firstly, this place is very peaceful, one of the most isolated islands of the world with fresh unpolluted blue waters, the whole serenity adorned with tangerine-smelling air.

Here, bad things are not happening at the rate we see in other places round the world.

The people are really special.

When you go there and see how warm, hospitable and gregarious the people are, you will then know why they are called Saints.

Everyone waves and greets each other, even to passing cars.

Saints participating in one of Saint Helena's carnival                       Photo credit:

Secondly, here you will see a piece of history that exists no other place on this planet.

At Saint Helena, you'll learn that the stories of Napoleon Bonaparte is not a fable but a historical reality; because you will see his grave-site there, where he was first buried before the French came to transfer his remains from Africa to where it is now, at Les Invalides in Paris.

With appointment, you will be shown round his two historical residences both in Briars and Longwood, Saint Helena.

Napoleon was exiled to this island in 1815 and there he died in 1821.

Thirdly, imagine taking a selfie with your spouse in a Heart-Shaped Waterfall.
Yes. It is there at Saint Helena. The name of the waterfall came as a result of the heart-shaped rock over which the river falls.

Fourthly, here you can do bold things with your spouse or family.

When you hear about the Jacob's Ladder, it is not in Jerusalem. Rather it is right there at Saint Helena.

This is a staircase with 699 steps.

The ladder was built in 1829 to help bring goods down from the farming areas in the center of the Island.

When you climb down at the foot of the ladder in Jamestown, you'll see the Museum of Saint Helena, updated and so beautiful.

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The Jacob's Ladder at the beautiful city of Jamestown, St Helena in Africa

Fifthly, you will have the rare chance of sitting in a park with the rarest design.

This park is called the Castle's Gardens. It is behind the Castle, Saint Helena's structure that serves as the seat of government, built by the British in 1659.

The Castle Gardens is lined up with huge ficus trees on which swarms of songbirds sit and fly about; giving visitors or tourists a special treat of songs.  

Besides, you can also see Saint Helena's beautiful national bird called the wirebird, a land bird with long beak and legs. They are found in open areas. A pleasant sight.

Sixth, you can collect beautiful photos of the world's most beautiful roaming land tortoises. One of the world's oldest is living here also.

You will see many cabbage trees, gum trees and the local ebony.

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Cabbage trees in the native forests of Saint Helena, Africa        Photo credit:

Take them to Saint Helena, your spouse or family would recount many years to come;
when you all would take a walk through the many restored native forests; and visit the Diana peak or the High peak adorned with beautiful natural forests.

You would also meet in Saint Helena, the giant earwig, the largest in the world if researchers, themselves, had not wrecked an ecological havoc on this fine island by collecting them all for studies to extinction.

Alas, the giant earwig found only in Saint Helena, Africa is now extinct    Photo credit:

 wirebird on the run, st helena
Meet Saint Helena's national bird: the wirebird                     Photo credit:

Take a trip to this beautiful place that lies in the continent of Africa, and you will know that Africa has offered the world so many beautiful gifts and environments unmatched round the whole world.

(Opening image: the beautiful Island of Saint Helena in Africa. Photo credit:


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