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Smile Rescue Fund For Kids Set To Give Life Back To A Congo Boy

Boy disfigured by Congo chimp attack to get life-changing surgery at Stony Brook

By Okechukwu Okugo

A boy rejected in his community as a result of losing his pair of lips to a Chimpanzee attack is now breathing fresh air of relief in America by the activities of the Smile Rescue Fund for Kids.

According to, the 8-year-old boy, whose 4-year-old younger brother died when the African chimps bounced on them, has been brought to U.S. for a life-changing facial surgery at Long Island, New York.

Heartmenders Magazine, USA say "Thank you" to Dr. Leon Klempner, founder of the organization, Smile Rescue Fund for Kids.

We also thank the Congo Park Rangers for contacting Dr. Klempner who arranged for Dunia Sibomana to come to Stony Brook Children's Hospital for a facial reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Klempner who had noted the plight of this boy, said for the past 2 years he had suffered the attack, even daily tasks like eating could be a nightmare for Dunia; since without lips food cannot be held on in the mouth.

But it was reported that Dunia had made that up by tipping his head back each time he eats.

He has so far been welcomed to a new community where he is now attending an elementary school, in Hauppage.

January 11, Sibomana will have his first surgery, which is to be followed by several other surgeries that would be totaling about 20 hours in all. He would need to remain in the States for about another one year, to fully recover; has reported Dr. Leon as saying.

No doubt, this life-changing intervention by the Smile Rescue Fund for Kids, will definitely re-integrate Dunia Sibomana and his family into life back at home in Congo.

In deed Smile Rescue Fund for Kids is working and deserves the donations of Americans to keep touching and changing lives beyond the shores of America, in the true American spirit.

Please visit to know more about their global activities and to make your donations.

(Opening image: photo of Dunia Sibomana Photo credit:


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