The Bottomless Pit In Your Life
By Okechukwu Okugo
As at that time you were still a child, can you remember a toy or item, which you valued so much and held tightly to your bosom, as the most cherished item you cannot do without?
Have you dreamt of a position or something, and put in everything you have to get it?
Has there been any relationship you saw as, without it your life will end, ready to sacrifice everything, and in the end when you finally succeed, sooner or later, found out how bored or irritated you really were in it?
Most people when they buy a new iPhone, the latest SUV or posh car, they become so attached to it that it would seem, all their mind, heart and happiness lies only on that piece of material; so it is with a new mansion, etc.
But the irony of life is seen, when that thing you had thought, had meant all and all, directly linking your whole happiness or satisfaction to, sooner or later, after you had gotten it, would equally get bored with it.
And not only that, as time passes, and new things emerge, new priorities created, we would find out that, what we had attached so much importance and value to, would become more or less valueless.
And that is the insatiability of man at play. Human wants cannot be satisfied. No matter how hard we try. It is like a bottomless pit.
Therefore, this teaches us two lessons:
1. Nothing material is worth dying for. That thing of mega value to you today, soon with the passage of time and experience, would certainly become something of far lesser value and concern.
2. Because humans are like Oliver Twists (I want some more); and never ever getting satisfied with whatever they gain, no matter how big, it is better to cultivate a thankful heart and develop the spirit of self contentment.
And this spirit is easier to build, when we realize that no permanent happiness is attached to any material achievement or wants.
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